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朋友的朋友開的義大利餐廳La Giara Italian Ristora
舊 04-08-2002   #1
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預設 朋友的朋友開的義大利餐廳La Giara Italian Ristora

<font color=red>Dear all,
La Giara Italian Restorante is a new Italian restaurent in Taipei.
Salvatore in the photo below on the right is a friend of mine.
His service is very "Italian"! Take your girl friend or boy friend
or your love ones there for a memorable dinner!
Need a window seat? Tell Salvatore you are a friend of Angela
Wang and I am sure he will try his best to get you one.
Enjoy good food, good wine and have a good life!!!
</font id=red>

Dear Friend:

We are so happy to announce the opening of our restaurant La Giara!! Come over to share the dream with us...

Antonio & Salvatore

Telephone: (02) 2705-0345
Address: 2nd Floor, No. 352, Fu Hsing South Road, Section 1, Taipei (near MRT Ta-An Station)
Parking: 3 large parking lots next to Howard Plaza Hotel
About Ristorante La Giara

Featuring a combination of modern chic and traditional warmth in the Italian style, La Giara restaurant has been designed by the famous Taiwan designer SUN, photographer Luke Huang, our chef Antonio Gerbino and manager Salvatore Genco with a modern design aesthetic that is currently in vogue with Italian high society. We wish to provide gourmets, expatriates and Taiwan high society with an exquisite environment in which to enjoy that well-known and amazing Italian passion for the enjoyment of food. While not many cultures share a comparable passion, we know with certainty that Chinese culture is one of them and we aim to satisfy it. Our Chef “Maestro Antonio” creates delicate cuisine with light and healthy ingredients so that our guests can keep fit while enjoying authentic Italian flavors. Antonio and Salvatore are especially particular about the details of quality and freshness that ensure our kitchen and staff bring you only the finest of dining experiences.

About La Giara
“La Giara” is the jar which is often used by Italians to store wine, olive oil, fruit or vegetables. La Giara is also the name of a comedy by Nobel Prize winner Luigi Pirandello. Pirandello’s tidings of great joy are the best “message” any artist can produce today. With his mood and intention, Sicily is presented as vividly as Vincent Van Gough’s colors of joy. The turquoise blue sky, the sun dancing in soft shades of honey, trees laden with almonds and oranges under which vagabonds sing.




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