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吉米丘 05-28-2003 03:42

[心得]駭客任務Enter The Matrix (PC/PS2/XBox/GameCube)


電影已經上映 真人版電玩很酷喔~ 詳見人物圖片介紹:




如果玩家以為拳打腳踢就是「駭客任務」的全部,那你又錯了,當玩家在攻擊敵人時,除了用槍可以輕鬆擊斃敵人之外,如果是在近身戰鬥時,是無法用拳頭就擊斃敵人的,除非配合男女主角的必殺攻擊,像是男主角在下段踢倒敵人時,馬上輸入指令就可以瞬間用小刀刺死對手。除了拳法踢技之外,摔技也是一門學問,當然,你會摔,電腦也會摔你,不過當電腦使用摔技時,抓準時間輸入攻擊指令,玩家就會看到一連串如電影般流暢的反摔動作 ( 以電腦人的摔技最難防禦,技術也最高超 ),你絕對無法想像這是遊戲裡的畫面,通常這只有在電影中看的到。


當玩家使用凍結時間時,角色的許多攻擊方式都會大大改變,像是玩家在行走牆壁的同時按下踢技,就可以做出漂亮的迴旋踢動作,或是後空翻踢等高難度的技巧,在電影當中女主角 ( Trinity ) 的空中暫停踢腿也可以在遊戲當中看到 ( 男主角也可以用 ),然而還有一個重點,凍結時間並不是那麼單純,玩家可以試著在凍結時間和正常時間中交替使用攻擊技法,你會發現許多敵人根本無法招架,假設玩家在凍結時間狀態使用拳法,在輸入踢技的同時讓時間恢復正常,你就可以看到你的角色使出和電影當中一樣帥氣的連續動作,當然,我還是要強調一點,這是遊戲,玩家在欣賞這些華麗畫面的同時也別忘了繼續遊戲才是。


許多遊戲都有支援EAX聲音系統,當然,駭客任務也支援了最新版的 EAX 系統,讓玩家更能享受遊戲的快感[大部分的玩家都認為EAX和環繞音效是一樣的,這是錯誤的想法,EAX 的作用只是對遊戲的各種音效加入「混音」的效果,而且這和 Microsoft 當中的 DirectSound3D 是息息相關的,遊戲支援 Direct Sound3D,除了能夠讓音效更為逼真之外,也可以輕易的作出像是車輛經過或是子彈呼嘯而過的環場效果,若是在加入 EAX 系統的話,往往都會有意想不到的特殊效果,EAX 系統在 3.0 以上的版本,除了混音之外,還可以模擬在許多不一樣的場景當中所發出的音效,試著想想,當玩家在「駭客任務」遊戲當中,某些室內的場景,原本單調的環繞音效甚至可以讓它變成有「回音」的特殊效果,那不就和看電影一樣了嗎?另外,EAX 也可以為每種不一樣的單音做出反射的效果,甚至依照不一樣的距離做出不一樣的聲音效果,也因為駭客任務完全支援 EAX 混音系統,當玩家在玩遊戲時,才會更加享受置身於有如電影當中的高品質遊戲,就連遊戲裡的主角們通信時,電話當中混合著其他聲音造成的環場效果都聽的一清二楚,當然,這種高品質的享受也只有在「駭客任務」當中才能感受的到[


遊戲當中雖然是全新的故事遊戲,新的男主角 Ghos t和女主角 Niobe,這些都是「真有其人」,駭客任務遊戲在製作時,特別找來了兩個演員擔任男女主角,才完成了遊戲,而玩家在遊戲當中所看到的武打動作和跑步等動作,都是經過真人演員演過一遍之後所製作而成,所以逼真程度絕對讓玩家嘆為觀止。遊戲當中的故事以 Ghost 和 Niobe 為主,不過在遊戲裡玩家們也會遇到莫菲斯或是安德森 ( 基諾李維 ) 等角色,然而,遊戲和電影上映時間相同,遊戲當中的許多故事會和電影穿插,電影的許多疑點都會在遊戲裡提到,而遊戲的許多任務則是從電影衍生而來,所以當玩家看過電影又完成遊戲,才有辦法完全了解駭客任務第二集的全部劇情,什麼?看不懂英文?那就錯了,英寶格公司特別推出了中英文合版,讓玩家更像在看電影,當然也會更容易了解劇情。

遊戲當中除了打打殺殺的場面之外,有些時候則是要逃離電腦人的追捕,畢竟電腦人是打不死的蟑螂,而遊戲還有一個精采的部份就是開車的場面了,電影第二集裡有在公路上追逐的畫面,遊戲裡當然也少不了[某些時候,玩家要開著車子到特定的地點尋找「電話」或是接洽人,而這時通常都會有公路警察或是電腦人追趕玩家,這時的玩家除了控制Niobe開車之外,也要控制 Ghost 開槍阻擋敵人,這可不是普通的公路追逐戰,在畫面上的車輛、路燈等,都可以追撞,此外,每一棟大廈可不是好看的,如果玩家不小心開車撞進大樓當中,你會發現每一棟大樓裡面的裝飾都不一樣,製作小組連這點都做進去了,如果你開車直接穿越每棟大樓,一定會更過癮[撞歸撞,警車可是會越來越多的,而且在道路上的追逐地圖相當的大,絕對不是一兩分鐘就輕鬆過關的無聊遊戲[


什麼時候才能玩到「駭客任務」這樣如享受電影般的遊戲?在 5 月 15 號,全球同步跨平台主機同步推出[不論是 PC、X-BOX、PS2、NG C都可以享受到「駭客任務」這款超高等級的遊戲,當玩家去電影院看完電影,一定要玩玩遊戲,你所感受到的感官享受絕對不低於電影[此外,提醒玩家除了畫面之外,最好準備更好的喇叭,否則就會讓遊戲裡震撼的音樂白白浪費掉了,而且也沒辦法享受到許多超擬真的各種音效,像是對打時呼嘯而過的拳腳聲音。遊戲裡的許多對白,也都是聘請電影裡的原角色來配音,保證讓你大呼過癮[等不及的玩家可以到官方網站注意最新的消息,或是到電影網站下載最新的廣告短片過過癮吧[「駭客任務,遊戲不只是遊戲」,誰說玩遊戲沒辦法像看電影呢?玩過駭客任務你一定會擺脫許多舊有的遊戲觀念[

吉米丘 05-28-2003 03:46





尤其是裡面還有一個HACK的單元,讓你可以利用類似DOS介面的COMMAND MODE,來「破解」你遊戲的存檔資料,例如無敵啦~慢動作FOCUS無限啦~超有趣的...害我都想買支USB鍵盤來「複習」一下失傳已久的DOS絕技...

吉米丘 05-28-2003 03:49

Various Cheats

These cheat should work with any version of the game.

Enter the hacking system in the game. Unlock the command allowing "cheats."

IMPORTANT: to open cheats type: CHEAT.EXE

before every cheat number, enter CHEAT

(you have to put the word help then type CHEAT.exe after that look for the word cheat on the side and input the cheatcode)

Infinite Ammo: 1DDF2556

Maximum Firepower: 0034AFFF

Focus Restored fast: FFF0020A

Unlimited Health: 7F4DF451

Enemies can not See You: FFFFFFF1

Turbo: FF00001A

Infinite Focus: 69E5D9E4

Test Level: 13D2C77F

Multi-Player Fighting: D5C55D1E

Moon Gravity: BB013FFF

Fastest Logos: 7867F443

Taxi Driving: 312MF451

Enemies Can Not hear You: 4516DF45

System tools /b

When you enter hacking system tools /b you will be asked to enter a 5 digit code the code is: 10110 this will unlock droping weapons within the matrix, and other helpful things!!

Unfortunately the System tools /b code above does not work all the time. The five digit code always changes but the numbers are like three 1's and 2 zeros. Or 3 zeros and two 1's. So it would usually be something like "10110" or "00101" something like that. Luckily the hacking engine will tell you what numbers are in the right place and what numbers are correct. So just give it some trial and error tests, switch some numbers around and you will usually find the right one.

Hints and Advice

This is not a code or cheat just some advice when fighting against Seraph in the mission Seraph's Tea House you can do 2 things If you lose you will go to the last 2 missions but if you win you can see the oracle like in the movie and go through a lot more missions and see more exclusive movie clips.

If you beat the game you get to see an exclusive preview of the Matrix III where you can see nowhere else ( at least for now) Beat the game the preview is very cool.

Info submitted by Ricky From Jersey City on Tuesday, May 20, 2003 at 22:17:25

Various Phone Numbers

To access the phone numbers and portkeys you have to unlock a thing called DIAL to do this you have to access the V: all you do is in the VIRTUAL tab write FROZENFISH or THISISNOTREAL it will allow you access to the Secret Messages

Unlock Sword

To unlock the swordfight, follow these steps. Open the Hacking program from the main menu. Open a file that has the game completed. Note: You must have completed the game first in order for this cheat to work; and the game file you select at the Hacking menu must have the game completed. Type LOGIN and press Enter. Type GUEST and press Enter. Type DIR, then a space. DIR should now appear in your command list. Access the B Drive through the DIR command. Select TOOLS from the B Drive. It will be locked and will ask you for an access code. The access code consists of 1s and 0s. You must guess the access code, as it is different each time. It is only five digits long. Once you have access to the TOOLS on the B Drive, type all the .EXE files (without the .EXE after them). For example, type DECODE then a space. DECODE will now appear in the command list. Repeat this for all other .EXE files in the TOOLS folder in the B Drive. Now, access VIRTUAL on your command list. Type in FROZENFISH as the password. An authentication test will start. An image of a Chinese symbol will appear, but it will be scrambled. The image is broken into 9 squares, and each square will have five different choices. You must change all the pieces so that a complete image appears. You have a limited amount of time to do this. Once you guess a correct image, the timer will stop and you will be taken back to the hacking screen. Look at the top of the screen. If it says "Solution: Blue", then the line will be traced and you will have to enter TRACEKILL and then press enter as fast as possible or all progress will be lost. Once you enter TRACEKILL, you will have to start back at accessing VIRTUAL on your command list. However, if it says "Solution: Red", then you will hear a message from Neo and get access to the V Drive. Open the V Drive and get all the commands from the TOOLS folder on your command list. Open the ROOTSEARCH program. Now, open the ROOT folder in the B Drive and get the two commands there on your command list. Enter the MAIL command and type THISISNOTREAL as the password and type YES. You will get a list of phone numbers:
Select the DIAL command and dial 001949555010. You should get a message from Persephone. Next dial 0013105550111. You will get you a message from Trinity. She will give you a number. Select PORTKEY and enter the number. She will start to talk to you. Type NO to both questions and she will give you a program called CRACK on your command list. Open it, then type 8RAM. It should look like this: "CRACK 8RAM". You now have access to the RAM drive. Go to DIR on your command list and access the RAM drive. A list of folder names will appear. Open the TRINITY folder. Get the Training command on your DIR by typing TRAINING then a space. Go to your command list and select TRAINING. On you command list, a file called SWORD.DSK will come up. Select it. It has now uploaded the sword onto you character in the Matrix. Quit the hacking program and select "Save Progress". You can use the sword when you start that game file. It can be used in any stage, but will only a[[ear when fighting enemies by pressing Punch + Kick. You have to enter it again when you turn off the game. Go to the Hacking program, select that file again, select TRAINING, then SWORD.DSK.

Info submitted by Uncutgamer on Monday, May 19, 2003 at 19:21:42


Hacking engine tools:
In Hacking engine (which is accessed from the title screen), there are a number of directories and tools that can be useful (such as spawning a weapon within The Matrix.).

Command Effect
DIR <location> List files and folders
CLS Clear the screen of text
HELP <command> Extended help for a command
TRACEKILL Kills traces
READ Read *.txt files
VIEW View *.img files
PLAY Play *.fmv files
DROP JXTRR10 Weapon drop at Drainage Canal
DROP PNSRZ10 Weapon drop at North Concourse
DROP RKHMS10 Weapon drop at Airport Tunneld
DROP JDZMT10 Weapon drop at 2nd Floor West (Chateau)
DROP ZKHBD10 Weapon drop at Courtyard (Chateau)
DROP RHFTQ10 Weapon drop at Skyscraper
DROP ZSZQH10 Weapon drop at Warehouse (Chinatown)
DROP JDHQL10 Weapon drop at Transformer Field (power plant)
DROP B1AXXF2 Weapon drop at 2nd Floor PO Boxes

Morpheus message

In the Hacking engine, instead of using "GUEST", you can LOGIN as FREEMIND or COWBOYCURTIS to hear a message from Morpheus.

jane 06-05-2003 18:20


吉米丘 06-05-2003 20:39


ㄟ~ 這台灣的英寶格,到底引進了沒有?[



反正呢,想要玩最新、最好玩的GAME,得有門路去找「正廠」原版貨... 不然等台灣代理喔...不知何年何月去囉~





我以前是專門去國外找好GAME回來台灣賣的專案經理人...所以啊~ 這就是台灣的GAME市場...[img]non-asp/emot/018.gif[/img]


吉米丘 06-05-2003 20:47

<font color=red>轉貼官方網站訊息
</font id=red>

6月6日駭客首賣 活動取消 2003/6/3

駭客任務 重裝上陣 不敵奧地利罷工事件??

原定於本週五舉辦首賣活動取消!因奧地利罷工事件導致[駭客任務 重裝上陣] PC亞洲版無法如期上市載運貨品抵達台灣!原計於本週上市的〔駭客任務重裝上陣〕,擁有英文,中文,韓文字幕搭配英文原音的亞洲版,因奧地利事故發生造成貨品進出不便,及處理事務處停擺狀態,導致現在所有相關作業受及影響,其損失更是不可估計,英寶格現正積極與國外協調中,期盼能在本週解決並使其作業能繼續運作不致使上市日期再遙擺不定並期於下周能安然上市! 如預參加首賣活動者請注意首賣活動己取消,而在網路上預購者也請諒解商品遲遲未到,英寶格將於下周儘速將〔駭客任務重裝上陣〕鋪貨上市!而預計本週到賣場購買駭客者,請稍緩一週[如有任何疑問竭誠歡迎您的來電洽詢! 謝謝!

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